For a long time, work was seen as a means to support oneself without any real consideration of well-being. Nowadays, work has taken on an important role in society and employees want to feel good about it. Indeed, it is now a vehicle for self-fulfilment and self-realisation as it gives meaning to our lives. The quality of life at work must therefore be central to discussions on employment. Well-being at work" has never been mentioned as much as it is today.
But what is well-being at work in reality?
Well-being at work is defined as a dynamic state of mind, characterised by a satisfactory harmony between the worker's abilities, needs and aspirations on the one hand, and the constraints and possibilities of the work environment on the other.
Several factors therefore have an impact on the feeling of well-being at work, namely interest in the work, conditions, organisation, remuneration, the fight against stress, ergonomics, the work environment, safety, the balance between professional and personal life, etc.
France and well-being at work
In terms of 'perceived' quality of life at work, France ranks 10th out of the 14 European countries that participated in the survey. There is therefore room for improvement in well-being.
How can the well-being of working people be improved?
Several factors have an impact on the quality of life at work. In particular, the interest in work is very frequently cited. Indeed, employees want to give meaning to their work and want to develop through stimulating missions. Employees also want to feel a sense of belonging to their company, they want to feel useful and recognition is essential to encourage employees. Maintaining good working relationships is also part of the quality of working life. Each employee must be autonomous, but must be able to rely on his or her hierarchy while finding a spirit of conviviality. Finally, the work-life balance is a very important factor for employees and influences the quality of working life. A good balance actually leads to less stress and more peace of mind. Other causes also influence well-being, such as the working environment, development prospects and job security.
What is the impact of well-being at work on employee productivity and performance?
Well-being at work has many positive impacts on the productivity and performance of employees. Thus, it strengthens the competitiveness of companies.
Firstly, well-being at work minimises the risk of employees being absent due to illness. An employee who feels good will develop less stress or anxiety.
Secondly, well-being at work makes employees more motivated and committed to work. An employee who arrives fit in the morning will be more effective if he/she knows that his/her work is recognised by his/her team.
Thirdly, well-being promotes dialogue and better communication within the company. When employees have a calm exchange and a good relationship with their manager, they feel more confident.
Finally, well-being at work helps to retain employees and prevent talent from leaving the company. For example, a high-performing employee will prefer to negotiate a promotion or acquire a new position rather than look for a new job.
EVO Formation & Consulting offers you a training course that will enable you to develop well-being at work. Do not hesitate to consult it on our website www.evo-formation.com to find out more!
