Introduction :
In today's business world, ongoing training has become a necessity to remain competitive. However, financing training can sometimes represent a major obstacle. Fortunately, OPCOs (Opérateurs de Compétences) offer a valuable opportunity to alleviate this financial burden.
In this article, we'll tell you a little more about how to get your training funded by an OPCO.
Understanding the role of OPCOs: Before diving into the details, it's essential to understand the role of OPCOs in the vocational training landscape.
First of all, what is an OPCO?
An OPCO, or Opérateur de Compétences, is an entity created as part of the reform of vocational training in France. The mission of these organizations is to collect the funds earmarked for vocational training and redistribute them to companies for the development of their employees' skills.
Prior to the reform, the players involved in financing professional training were the Organismes Paritaires Collecteurs Agréés (OPCAs). However, the law of March 5, 2014 introduced OPCOs to modernize the system and make it more responsive to changes in the labor market.
OPCOs are specific to each business sector and are responsible for financing training, apprenticeship, validation of acquired experience (VAE) and other schemes aimed at developing employees' skills.
Each OPCO manages vocational training funds for the companies in its field. These funds come from compulsory contributions paid by companies, calculated on the basis of their total payroll. OPCOs therefore play a key role in implementing vocational training policies in France, helping employees to adapt to constant changes in the job market.
What types of training does the OPCO finance?
Qualifying and certifying training courses: These are training courses aimed at acquiring specific skills recognized by professional certifications. These courses may or may not lead to a diploma, and are designed to improve employees' qualifications.
Training linked to VAE (Validation des Acquis de l'Expérience): OPCOs can support employees in their efforts to validate the skills they have acquired through their professional experience, enabling them to obtain certification.
Work-study programs: OPCOs often encourage work-study programs, such as apprenticeship and professionalization contracts. These courses combine the acquisition of theoretical knowledge in a training center with work experience in a company.
Career transition training: OPCOs can finance training courses designed to support employees in their career transition. This includes training to change business sectors or to acquire new skills in line with changes in the job market.
Distance learning and e-learning: With the evolution of technology, OPCOs are increasingly supporting distance learning and e-learning courses to make learning more flexible and accessible.
Priority training for the company: OPCOs can also finance specific training courses identified as priorities for skills development within a company, according to its particular needs.
Identifying the OPCO :
Choice of training :
Preparing your financing package:
Consult financing criteria :
Applying for funding :
Application follow-up :
Validation and signature of the agreement :
Carrying out the training :
Administrative follow-up:
By following these steps, you'll increase your chances of getting your training funded by an OPCO. Don't forget to keep abreast of changes in legislation and vocational training policies to maximize your funding opportunities.